Committees Populated by the Annual Faculty Survey

Each Spring semester, receive an e-mail invitation to participate in the Campus and Faculty Standing Committees Call to Service survey. Those eligible to serve include T/TT-ranked and NTT-ranked faculty including Librarians, Archivists, and Extension Professionals.  Terms are for Academic Year (August 1 – July 31)

Academic Affairs Committee

Artificial Intelligence Committee

Campus Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee

Campus Space Committee

Committee for Persons with Disabilities

Committee on Committees

Council for Inclusive Excellence

Facilities, Buildings, and Grounds Committee

Faculty Affairs Committee

Family Friendly Campus Committee

Faculty Grievance Panels (Grievance Resolution Panel and Oversight Committee)

Honorary Degrees Committee

Intercollegiate Athletics Committee

Library Committee

Military and Veterans Committee

MU Information Technology Committee

Residence for Tuition Purposes Committee

Revision of Student Records Committee

Status of Women Committee

Student Affairs Committee

Student Conduct Committee

Student Health and Well-Being Committee

Tenure Probationary Extension Committee

University Faculty Committee on Tenure (UM System Committee)