Faculty Affairs Committee


The Faculty Affairs Committee will advise campus leaders on matter of particular interest to faculty, including academic personnel policy, faculty conduct, faculty career development, tenure and promotion, and policies affecting non-tenure-track faculty. It will coordinate its work with that of campus bodies charged making decisions and recommendations related to faculty conduct and academic personnel.

Faculty Affairs Committee Charges for 2023-2024

  1. Communicate with Associate Provost Candace Kuby to ensure the updated gender equity salary study is conducted in fall 2023 and that it includes entities that were not included in 2015.
  2. Follow-up with provost (P & T taskforce) about the report on individuals being pressured to withdraw P&T cases, including:
    • Monitoring the number of withdrawals at each level throughout the year
    • Discussing ideas for clarifying departmental expectations and bolstering the 3rd year review process (so that candidates have greater clarity at both stages about what is expected for successful tenure and/or promotion applications).
  3. Work with myVita coordinator Cathleen Wood to address issues of “fit” for all faculty.
  4. Work with Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Michele Kennett to revise policy for CRR regarding research misconduct, ensuring that faculty voice is present in both the revision process and in investigating cases.
  5. Monitor the implementation of faculty workload policies and continue to work with administration and faculty to improve communication, transparency, equity, and shared governance as these policies are implemented.

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Campus Committee on Faculty Responsibility, Campus Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, Research Responsibility Committee, Grievance Resolution Panel
Designees appointed to:

Chair elected by Faculty Council from among its own members (this person will serve on Faculty Council Executive Committee).
Staff Support:
Provided by Faculty Council.

Annual Report 2022-2023
Previous Annual Report(s)