Committee for Persons with Disabilities


The charge to the Persons with Disabilities Committee is to advise University Leaders on MU programs, services, and policies that affect students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities. We aim to advance accessibility on the MU Campus and to increase disability recognition and awareness on the MU Campus and surrounding communities. Additionally, the committee advocates for financial support related to projects designed to improve the campus experience of persons with disabilities. 

For the 2023-2024 Academic Year, the committee will focus on:

  • Assessing the disability and accessibility culture on campus
  • Spearheading focused outreach and education across campus as related to disability culture and accessibility.

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:

Designees appointed to:
This committee will appoint a liaison to the Academic Affairs Committee, and the Facilities, Buildings, and Grounds Committee.
Selected by Faculty Council, after consultation with the Committee.
Staff Support:
Provided by MU ADA Office.
Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports
Committee Bylaws