Academic Affairs Committee


The Academic Affairs Standing Committee responds to the needs/recommendations of students, faculty, and administration as it pertains to academic-related matters.  The main tasks of the committee are to amend, improve, and update the Faculty Handbook and share in the development and revision of academic policies within the Provost’s Office and the Office of the Registrar.  Secondary tasks include cross-cutting with other committees to assist in improving the academic environment at the University of Missouri.

Academic Affairs Committee Charges for 2023-2024:
Inter-semester Subcommittee Charges:

  1. Annual Renewal of the Test Optional Admissions Policy
  2. New Course Evaluation Tool Review Process
  3. Survey Process of Revision of Record (RoR) / Academic Appeals Processes
  4. “Honors by Contract” Courses

Intra-semester Subcommittee Charges:

  1. Resolving the removal of the “Observer” from Canvas LMS courses
  2. Dead Week / Finals Week Revisions ==> Re-imagining Finals Week
  3. Grade Replacement Policies
  4. Establishing a policy promoting an expectation that faculty utilize the CANVAS LMS in every MU course
  5. Instituting a Fall Break

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Academic Advising Leadership Council
Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Committee on Undergraduate Education
Library Committee
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Undergraduate Deans
Designates appointed to:

One co-chair elected by Faculty Council from
among its own members (this person will serve on Faculty Council Executive Committee); and one co-chair selected by the members of the committee.
Staff Support:
Provided by Office of the Provost

Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports

Motions may be sent from this committee to
Faculty Council in one of two ways, by
(1) majority vote of full committee membership
(2) majority vote of faculty members on the committee.