Annual Committee Timeline

Annual Committee Timeline

While activities will vary from year to year and from committee to committee, certain activities will likely be appropriate around the same time each year for most committees.  This model timeline lists some of those items:

  • August:
    Committee chair should:
    • contact their members, welcoming them to the committee.  Chairs should immediately inform MU Committee Service support of any vacancies. 
    • schedule the first meeting of the committee for September.
    • have brief meetings with the University officials most relevant to their work (e.g., for Student Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs) to discuss how the committee can be most effective.
  • September
    First meeting of committee.  At this meeting, the committee should:
    • schedule future meetings to secure space on members’ calendars
    • discuss its goals for the year
    • consider the need for subcommittees, outside help, or other resources
    • Review or create bylaws. If necessary, use the Model Bylaws for Committees template.
  • October through April
    • Committees should hold regular meetings, with the frequency set forth in their bylaws.  If circumstances justify a departure from the regular schedule, committee chair should inform their members and note the changes on their eventual annual report.  (If a committee repeatedly does not meet as often as the bylaws suggest, there may be cause to amend the bylaws or change the committee’s composition or charge. 
    • At least once per semester, the highest-ranking university officials with responsibilities related to the committee’s work, (e.g., a Vice Chancellor or Vice Provost, or the director of an office that the committee supports, should attend a committee meeting.
  • February & March
    • Inform current members nearing the end of their first term that they must complete the Call to Service Survey (Open Feb. 24 – March 14, 2025) if they wish to be considered for a second term.
    • No later than March 14, 2025, Committee Chairs will send the following information to MU Committee Service:
      • Names of committee members you recommend for re-appointment – they must have completed the survey.
      • Specific needs, e.g., greater breadth of expertise, or perspective, varied schools, or colleges, etc.
    • If the committee is one that nominates its own chair (or one of its co-chairs, the committee should select one of its members to serve as chair in the following year. The name of the member selected should be provided to Faculty Council ( and to the Office of the Chancellor.
    • Note: for committees with members elected by academic units, such as the Committee for Undergraduate Education, elections will not likely occur in time for a chair to be selected at this time.
  • March & April
  • MU Faculty Council subcommittee reviews survey results and assigns nominees to Standing Committee Vacancies.
    • April 3, 2025, Faculty Council reviews and votes on the proposed nominees
    • The FC approved list of nominees is presented to the Chancellor and the Provost for final approval.
    • Successful nominees are notified and invited to serve.
  • May or June
  • Submit annual report – the Annual Report (Template) is an executive summary of the committee’s past year.  It should not exceed 4 pages.
  • Annual report components
    • Committee Name
    • Committee Purpose
    • Number of times the committee met
    • Summary of Actions (including any major accomplishments)
    • Challenges (or proposed changes for the coming year)
    • Engagement with University Leadership
    • If the committee has any changes to suggest regarding its own charge, composition, or size, these should be included in the annual report.

  • July and August
  • Incoming committee chairs will receive rosters of their members for the upcoming year from the MU Committee Service support office. Any concerns with the roster should be addressed promptly.