Student Conduct Committee


The charge to the Student Conduct Committee is to decide cases in student disciplinary matters in accordance with the University rules and policies and to report its recommendations to university leaders.

Regulatory Authority

Information about this committee is set forth in UM CRR 200.010 (Standard of Conduct) and CRR 200.020 (Rules of Procedures in Student or Student Organization Conduct Matters).

Designees appointed from:
Designees appointed to:
This committee will appoint a liaison to the Student Affairs Committee
Selected by Faculty Council, after consultation with the Committee.
Staff Support:
Provided by Office of Student Accountability & Support.
Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports

In a departure from past practice, the committee will no longer contain members designated as “alternates.” Instead, the entire committee will form a pool of potential members, and panelists will be drawn from the pool to hear cases.