Status of Women Committee


The charge of the Status of Women Committee is to advocate equity, fairness, and justice for women at the University of Missouri, investigate the status of women including faculty, staff, and students, and make policy recommendations to the Office of the Chancellor supporting the advancement of women.

For the 2023-2024 Academic Year, the committee will focus on:

  • Follow up work on the salary equity report. Last year this subcommittee worked with the Provost to get an update on the salary survey done a few years ago. This salary equity survey will include staff this time.
  • Status of Women Committee History: we hope to have a subcommittee work on a report that brings together all the work that the committee has done over the years. Perhaps also an infographic to make it easier for those to understand what the committee has worked on in the past.
  • Working on getting a clearer picture of any potential budget the committee has or a way to get funding for any projects we decide to work on. More specifically, work on helping provide funding, if needed, for the Tribute to Women Banquet put on by the Women’s and Gender Studies department.
    • We will also have a subcommittee to work on publicizing and awarding the Jordan Hoyt Tribute Award to a woman on campus.
      • MU Status of Women Committee gives the award annually to any MU student, faculty, or staff member who – like Jordan – has gone above and beyond to contribute to an environment of equity, fairness, and justice for women on campus.
  • Another subcommittee is going to work on doing an audit of sorts of campus to see what professional development focused on furthering the trajectory of women professionals on campus and finding any gaps.
    • Perhaps making recommendations if possible to fill those gaps.
  • Another focus we hope to work on is connecting and establishing better relationships with social justice centers and other depts. on campus to see how we can better work together.

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Council for Inclusive Excellence
Designees appointed to:
The committee will appoint a liaison to the Council for Inclusive Excellence
Two co-chairs (one faculty member and one staff member) selected by the Committee.
Staff Support:
Provided by Division of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Status of Women Committee ByLaws
Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports
Bylaws adopted March 13, 2023