To assess and make recommendations to University leader regarding new and revised policies and practices affecting non-tenure track faculty holding a ranked faculty title.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee Goals for 2023-2024 Academic Year
- Work on replacing NTT title with something less negative.
- Working with ad hoc committee on promotion calls for NTT faculty.
Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:
Designees appointed from: Faculty Council Liaison | Designees appointed to: N/A |
Chairs: Selected by the Committee from among its elected members. | Staff Support: Provided by Office of the Provost. |
Documents: Previous Annual Reports | Notes: If the MU faculty enacts reforms to the process by which Faculty Council members are elected, such that school and colleges elect Council members without regard to NTT or T/TT status, this committee will consider whether it should dissolve. |
14 Ranked Faculty Representatives
- One representative selected by each of MU’s schools and colleges
- One representative selected by Extension
- One representative selected by MU Libraries
- One representative selected by The MU Faculty Council on University Policy, serving as liaison to the council
- Ex-Officio member, Provost Designee, non-voting