Military and Veterans Committee


The Military and Veterans Committee serves as an advisory committee to University leaders concerning issues and programming related to the military and veterans’ community at the University of Missouri. The Committee develops recommendations for ways to positively improve the educational, family, health, and career support to the University military and veterans community based upon dialogue between departments within the University, state and federal organizations and agencies, and the surrounding business community. The Committee works to create awareness of the issues faced by this population, recommends the development of programs to support veterans and family members, helps connect students, faculty, staff, and alumni to events and organizations related to veterans issues, identifies opportunities to connect the University’s research and engagement mission with veteran and military issues, and provides a forum to University military and veterans for feedback on issues that affect their lives.

For the 2024-2025 Academic Year the committee will focus on: Connecting all Military/Veteran related happenings at MU to better tell the story of how MU supports military-connected students. Increase programming for military-connected students, faculty, and staff through events, training, and engagement opportunities. Develop key recruitment strategies to grow the military-connected student population. Continue to recommend, develop, and refine student-friendly policies to better serve the military/veteran student population. 

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Designees appointed to:
The Director of the MU Veterans Center.
Staff Support:
Provided by the MU Student Veterans Resource & Support Center and the Office of the President.
Annual Report 2022-2023
Previous Annual Reports
Committee By Laws (12/24/2024)
The composition of this committee is different than most campus standing committees and includes several members of the broader community (outside the University) that supports veterans and members of the military.