Family Friendly Campus Committee


Advise the Chancellor on ways in which the MU campus, including physical facilities and educational and employment policies, supports the family responsibilities of students, staff, and faculty members, as well as how the campus could better provide this support.

For the 2023-2024 Academic Year, the committee will focus on:

  • Play areas for children while students/parents study.
  • Campus resources for families
  • How to make out-of-state students and families feel more welcome on campus and in the community.

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Designees appointed to:
Selected by Faculty Council, after consultation with the Committee.
Staff Support:
Provided by the Division of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports
Committee By-Laws 2023-2024
Committee Structure remains as is AY 2024-25

Recent Accomplishments

Cover Sheet for Mizzou Caregivers Needs Assessment 2023 Spring Report

The Mizzou Caregivers Needs Assessment and survey results provide recommendations for supporting MU caregivers, parental leave, lactation on campus, and resources for parents when school is not in session.


  • See membership here.