The Artificial Intelligence Committee will advise campus leaders on policies, use and study of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching, learning, research and business practices. It will communicate with other campus committees working on the issue.
For the 2025-2026 Academic Year, the AI Committee will:
- Coordinate with the Office of Research Innovation and Impact, College Research Associate Deans, AI Fellows, and the Faculty Council Research Scholarship and Economic Development Committee among others in developing policy and guidance for the study and use of AI in research;
- Coordinate with the Provost’s Office, relevant College Associate Deans, relevant Faculty Council Committees, AI Fellows, and Teaching for Learning Center among others in developing policy and guidance for use of AI in teaching and learning;
- Coordinate with the Provost’s Office, Teaching for Learning Center, AI Fellows, and Associate Deans of Academic Affairs among others to develop AI literacy recommendations for undergraduate, professional and graduate students;
- Develop a repository of resources on suggested best practices on use of AI in making day-to-day tasks more efficient through AI;
- Consult with the MU Information Technology Committee to create or purchase “walled garden” technology (per task force recommendation);
- Collaborate with Information Technology experts, AI Faculty Fellows, Librarians and the Teaching for Learning Center among others on recommending software/platforms for teaching and learning.
Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:
Designees appointed from: Division of IT Division of Research, Innovation and Impact Human Resources Mizzou Online Office of the Provost | Designees appointed to: |
Chair(s): Are selected by Faculty Council and need not be a member of the Faculty Council. | Staff Support: Provided by the Division of IT |
Documents: AI Standing Committee Bylaws |