Committee on Committees


The charge to the Committee on Committees is to review on an annual basis one-third of the campus standing committees and to make recommendations to the Chancellor and Faculty Council on the continuation of the committees, revisions of committee charges or composition, and other improvements to committee functions. The committee also should follow up on past recommendations for changes.

Committees to be Reviewed during the 2023-2024 Academic Year

  • Campus Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee 
  • Tenure Probationary Extension Committee 
  • Residence for Tuition Purposes Committee 
  • Revision of Student Records Committee 
  • Status of Women 
  • Student Conduct Committee 
  • Tenure Probationary Extension Committee 
  • Military and Veterans Committee

Liaison, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Designees appointed to:
Selected by Faculty Council, after consultation with the Committee.
Staff Support:
Provided by Faculty Council.
Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports


  • See membership here.