Campus Space Committee


The Campus Space Committee will advise University leaders on the use of campus buildings by academic units and other campus units. It will make recommendations about movement of personnel from one building to another, the use of fee money to support capital improvements, and how units might adapt to resource allocation models by changing their use of campus space.

Campus Space Committee 2023-2024 Goals:

  1. Continue to advise the vice-chancellor for operations, the director of space planning and management, and the provost on space needs and space relocation requests.
  2. Assist the vice-chancellor for operations, the director of space planning and management, and the provost on an overall procedure for building closure (in cooperation with the Campus Facilities Planning Committee). Consider very carefully requests for building closures in response to limited available funding for building repairs and maintenance.
  3. Continue to promote participation in the SCIF system and to endorse increasing the allocations to provide better funding for requests. Continue to make decisions regarding allocation of SCIF.
  4. Review and adopt final bylaws for the committee.

Liaisons, Chairs, Staff Support:

Designees appointed from:
Designees appointed to:
One co-chair selected by Faculty Council from among faculty (need not be a Council member)
One co-chair selected by the committee membership.
Staff Support:
Provided by Office of Associate Vice
Chancellor for Campus Facilities.

Annual Report 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports
Committee ByLaws
